


INOVATO CLUSTER is an association of innovative companies and organizations that have come together to seek synergies and to develop innovations and innovation projects. The role of the cluster is to work with a variety of stakeholders to develop an innovation ecosystem based on shared values. We work together in the fields of technology, microelectronics, investing in startups, digitization and social entrepreneurship.

Involvement of companies and organizations

Number of members: 60+
companies, universities, clusters, non-profit organizations
Number of Employees: more than 2800
Turnover: more than 180 million €

Vision and Activities

Our vision is to create an ecosystem that connects innovators who are changing the world for the better future.

The cluster prepares educational events, professional conferences, networking and cooperation activities, consulting and advisory services for its members.
Within the platform, we create thematic working groups in which we connect companies, universities and experts and look for potential for joint innovation projects.
We work with a wide range of actors to develop an innovation ecosystem, which is an essential pillar for the successful recovery and progress of our country.

INOVATO CLUSTER turns ideas into real business. In addition, it develops partner companies and personalities, customers and the environment in which it operates and prepares them through projects and trainings for the challenges of a changing world.

Membership benefits

  • Broad membership
  • Direct consulting and advisory services in the areas of innovation, technology and business model analysis
  • Possibility to participate in joint projects and cluster contracts
  • Access to cluster learning activities for members and their staff
  • Participation in organised business visits and missions
  • Active networking of members, exchange of information and expertise
  • Promoting knowledge and technology transfer, networking and dissemination of information in order to foster competitiveness
  • Assistance in access to public and private financial support

Working Groups

  • Additive manufacturing
  • Autonomous farming
  • Circular economy
  • Digitisation
  • Energy
  • Automation and robotization
  • Modularity
  • Space industry
  • Social innovation

How do we work together

Our Awards

2020 European Enterprise Promotion Awards

National Winner in the Business Environment Improvement category

Innovation of the Nitra Region 2019


Slovakia Innovative Act of 2020


Bronze Cluster Label

Bronze Cluster Label

Cluster Benchmarking

2020 European Enterprise Promotion Awards

National Winner in the Business Environment Improvement category

Innovation of the Nitra Region 2019


Slovakia Innovative Act of 2020


Bronze Cluster Label

Bronze Cluster Label

Cluster Benchmarking


Enterprise Europe Network
Crowed me up
Print Progress

Visegrad Fund


Aktuálny:  Space for V4
Bývalé: Visegrad+ (2023)
You will find us
Staničná 502, 952 01 Vráble, Slovakia



Staničná 502/20 95201 Vráble, Slovak republic

Executive Director

Jozef Bujnovský

Chairman of the Management Board

Peter Ballon

I want to become a member

Want to join a network of partners to collaborate on new ideas and projects? Let us know about yourself and we'll go over the benefits of membership with you.

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