Join our Space for V4 online training to discover key institutions, innovative companies, and new business opportunities in the Czech space sector.
Innovation agency JIC, as a partner of the international project Space for V4, invites you to join an online event that will highlight the opportunities, players and success stories of the Czech space ecosystem.
As part of this Czech edition of the online training series, we will present the current landscape of the Czech space ecosystem, including examples of key initiatives, successful collaborations, and opportunities not only for entrepreneurs.
This event will offer insights into Czechia’s space-related activities, support structures, and real-life success stories. It is intended for entrepreneurs, researchers, students, institutions and all stakeholders interested in becoming part of the Czech and European space value chain, and in exploring opportunities for collaboration within the broader V4 region.
10:00 – Welcome and Introduction
Veronika Masinova, Innovation agency JIC, Space for V4 project partner
10:05 – Introducing the Space For V4 Project
Anna Caplovicova, Inovato Cluster Project – Visegrad+, Space for V4 project coordinator
10:10 – The Czech Space Ecosystem: Building Blocks of a Growing Space Nation
Marie Nemeckova, CzechInvest, Director of Space Hub
10:30 – Regional collaboration in Practice: Brno Space Cluster
Vaclav Havlicek, Brno Space Cluster manager, TRL Space – Space Business Manager
10:45 – Future Engineers of Space: Building Satellites and Skills with YSpace
Dominik Klement, head of YSpace student iniciative, Ph.D. candidate at Brno university of Technology
11:00–11:30 – Support for Czech Space Projects: ESA Commercialisation Gateway in the Czech Republic
11:30 – From Hackathon to Orbit: Zaitra’s Journey Through the Czech Space Ecosystem
Alexandra Jelenova, Zaitra
11:45 – Success Story II
12:10 – Q&A and Closing
Are you active in the space economy or engaged in research and development in this field?
Add your information to our database and enhance your visibility to potential partners from the V4 countries. Completing a short form will open new opportunities for collaboration and innovation.
Download the Ecosystem mapping (.xlsx), fill in your details, and send to
The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
Do you have questions or suggestions for cooperation? Contact us.